Brain Imaging
We are developing a protocol to take high-resolution brain images of children and youth with NDDs who have behaviours of concern.
Neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) impact a person's developing brain. Children with NDDs often have behaviours of concern such as violence towards themselves or others that are difficult to understand and treat clinically. Advanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can measure structural and functional properties of the human brain with high spatial resolution. As MRI requires participants to lie still for minutes in a small space, it is extremely challenging to image children with NDDs and behaviours of concern without sedation. As a result, little is known about neural correlates in brain imaging in these patients. We are developing a protocol for imaging children with NDDs who have behaviours of concern. The imaging protocol includes behavioural (i.e., preparation in a mock MRI scanner) and imaging approaches (optimizing MRI sequence parameters for rapid and motion-insensitive acquisition). Images will be analyzed using advanced machine learning methods. This will enhance our understanding of neural correlates of behaviours of concern and generate the data and knowledge for a larger clinical study.
The PN Lab Advisory Council
Dr. Nils D. Forkert PhD, Professor, Radiology, University of Calgary
Dr. Catherine Lebel PhD, Professor, Radiology, University of Calgary